Abstract: The article, “Whirling circling, emerging, submerging: About Speech Education at
DACP” explores how the author encountered the discipline of speech and its pedagogy at the
Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of
Performing Arts in Prague. The author attempts through her own student experience and
dialogue with theoretical texts and essays reflecting on the speech education at DACP to
grasp key methodic moments in the study process of this discipline. In addition to published
texts, the author refers to interviews with the DACP pedagogues of speech and voice about
their experience with the discipline and its pedagogy. These interviews were conducted during
the author’s doctoral research.
Author: Mish Rais
Date: July 2024
Keywords: pedagogy of speech, pedagogy of voice, speech education, voice education,
movement education, active communication, work with imagery, psychosomatics, text
interpretation, actor training, acting motility, conductive tension, oral gesture, oral
This text is a chapter from Ph.D. thesis Michaela Raisová. Between Speeches. Praha, 2020.
Akademie múzických umění. Supervisor Michal Čunderle.
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