Mirka Eliášová – Mish Rais – Lizzy Le Quesne
Abstract: An interview with a British authorial performer Wendy Houstoun on improvisation in creative process and on stage. The interview led by Mish Rais, Mirka Eliášová and Lizzy Le Quesne originated as part of their research „Improvisation as choreographic, authorial and creative principle“. The interview is followed by a short study by Mish Rais informing about the approach and creative character of Wendy Houstoun.
Author: Mirka Eliášová – Mish Rais – Lizzy Le Quesne
Date: January 2023
Keywords: Wendy Houstoun, improvizace, performance, tvůrčí proces, improvisation, performance, creative process
Citation: Eliášová Mirka – Mish Rais – Le Quesne Lizzy. Improvisation as performative freshness: Interview with Wendy Houstoun [online]. Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví. 18. 2. 2023. [cit. ]. URL: https://www.autorskeherectvi.cz/post/improvizace-jako-performativni-akt-neotrelosti-rozhovor-s-wendy-houstoun-2022
The whole text (EN) in PDF can be downloaded here.