Cultivating Mavericks, or, Education to Authorship Through Play
The text was published in the periodical Loutkář in 1990, Year 40, Volume 4, page 86–87. Citation: Ivan Vyskočil. Cultivating Mavericks,...
Ivan Vyskočil's Introduction to the book Mama isn't Home on the discipline of Authorial Reading
This text is the introduction to the book Mama isn’t Home written by Jaroslava Pokorná (Maminka není doma, Brkola, Prague, 2006)....
On the Study of Acting: Inaugural professorial lecture upon receiving a professorship in acting
A text from Vyskočil‘s lecture delivered at the event of naming him a Professor. The text was first published in the periodical Svět a...
Small Stage Forms or How To Go About It?
This text was first published in the journal Amatérská scéna (The Amateur Stage) in 1978 in serial form in a number of issues (Amatérská...
Subject: Stage Improvisation
The text was published continuously as a series in the periodical Amatérská scéna in 1975 and 1976. Its original version was edited by...